Possible Topics for 2012 - 2013

Courtesy of Gordon Stables:

"The following slate of controversies has been approved by the topic selection committee and send to the CEDA Executive Secretary, Jeff Jarman. He will send ballots to all member schools. Balloting will be open for 14 days. 

Bioethics  - The USFG should increase regulations of  patents for genetic materials, reprogenetics, pharmaceuticals, genetic enhancement technologies, and stem cell research.

Cybersecurity  - The USFG should implement a national cybersecurity strategy.

Economic Inequality  - Economic inequality should be reduced in the US.

Education - The USFG should reduce support for neoliberal education programs.

Energy Policy  - The USFG should increase domestic energy production.

First Amendment - The USFG should limit freedom of speech and/or press.

Information Privacy - The USFG should increase protection of information privacy.

Latin America - The USFG should increase trade liberalization with Latin America.

Tax Code Reform  - The USFG should substantially broaden the tax base.

Targeted Tax Increases  - The USFG should enact targeted tax increases.

Women's Rights  - The USFG should increase women’s rights in the United States.

As a reminder all of the topic papers and the specific links to those threads can be found herehttp://www.cedadebate.org/forum/index.php?topic=3601.0"


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